NO on RL 21 & SD is NOT FOR SALE

The politicians in Pierre passed RL-21 because they thought the people would not notice that their so-called “Landowner Bill Of Rights” was more like a BILL OF SALE! But TENS OF THOUSANDS of South Dakotans called them out on it in June — and now YOU...

Wed Oct 9 Sioux Falls SD Open Forum on RL 21

Open Forum on RL 21 Discussion on the original SB 201 bill, the impact on local decisions & property rights and the safety of carbon pipelines Wed. Oct 9, 2024 6:30 – 8:30pm Hilton Garden Inn – 5300 S Grand Circle Sioux Falls, SD Contact: Joan Gadbois...

Sat Oct 5 Yankton SD Informational Meeting on RL 21

Yankton County Informational meeting on RL 21 Discussion on the original SB 201 bill, the impact on local decisions & property rights and the safety of carbon pipelines Saturday, October 5, 2024 6:30pm (Doors Open) 7pm (Meeting Starts) Elks Lodge, 504 W 27th St,...